I am terrible at these twice a week check-ins! In fact, it seems I have trouble checking in at all. I guess I feel like if I have nothing to report, then who cares....but, I have to learn that checking in is an accountability step so I vow to at least check-in once a week. Maybe I can handle that!
I haven't been doing much that I planned for my original goals. I've been reading a lot of review books and that has been taking up my time. Here was what my original plan:
--2 hours daily for research and planning
--1-2 hours daily for reading on the craft
--1/2 hour daily for journaling (preferably in the morning)
Okay, so I have not done any of what I planned. However, I'm going to do a temporary goal list until
NaNoWriMo starts. Then we know what that daily goal is...yikes!
--I'm participating in two read-a-thons this weekend, starting Friday so I plan to make reading books on the craft a big part of that. This will be Friday through Sunday.
--Next week, starting Monday and going through Thursday, I will be going to the library every day while the kids are at school to read and research. I figure this will give me about 4-5 hours, if I go at 10 every day when the library opens.
--Monday, October 31...not sure if I'll get library time in due to kids' school Halloween parties, but we'll see. Might be able to squeeze in a couple of hours of last minute planning.
On a side note, I had another inspiration today for a story idea so I will be deciding which one will be more feasible to run with for
NaNoWriMo. I have some books here in my home library that can get me started so I can hopefully decide before I hit the library.
Also, I did do some writing recently. I wrote a guest post for my friend's blog,
Midnyte Reader. It's a real-life account of a horrific experience I had. You can read it
On a final note, for those of you who are doing
NaNoWriMo this year, I have created a group on the
NaNo forums in
NaNo Groups in the
Writing Groups and Clubs section. The
ROW80 Writers can be found
HERE. AND Lena Corazon has created a
NaNo support group,
Fun Not Fear! Thanks, Lena! Check it out