Thursday, January 20, 2011

ROW80 Check-In: 1/20/2011

So...I missed the check-in on Sunday because I was prepping for my week long read-a-thon.  Not much to report really.  The journaling is going well and I'm knee deep in the research process.  I may not be actually writing the WIP, but I am writing something daily via journaling and that, in itself, is progress!


  1. Research and journalling totally count! Congrats :)

  2. I'm exactly where you are with research. Watching the first episodes of Gunsmoke has been way cool.

    You mentioned journaling. Is it from the Journaling 101 course or something else?

  3. I love the quote from Pandora! Perfect!

    Good luck with your writing Michelle!!! :) It's a very worthwhile journey...


    Lisa :)


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