Friday, March 25, 2011

ROW80--Round 1 Final Check-In

Although I did not accomplish as much as I wanted this round, I did at least dip my toes back into the world of journaling, which is one thing I have been wanting to do.  I am looking forward to the next round.  Although I feel I could have done more, I am looking at it like Round 1 was a warm-up for Round 2.  I'm going to spend the break getting organized with my to do list and brainstorming more story ideas.  So here's to Round 2! Let the journey continue.....

Want to see how others did in Round 1?  Go HERE.


  1. warm ups essential to major excercise! - looking foward to next round - keep smiling and see you in april

  2. I will be joining you for round 2.

  3. Glad you'll be in round 2. See ya there!

  4. Warm-ups are good! See you in the next round.


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