Sunday, April 17, 2011

ROW 80 Check-In--4/17/11

I'm taking a short hiatus from ROW80 until early May (hopefully).  We decided to give up our house in December and while we are already moved into our apartment, we still do not have everything moved out of our old house.  We found out recently that the house will be auctioned on April 28th.  We're not sure if we have to have everything out by then, but we're not taking any chances.  We still have the rest of my books to move and we have a lot of stuff to put in storage over at my mom's house.  My husband and I are doing this by ourselves and it's a lot of work so I really have to focus on that right now.  My plan is to jump back in with ROW80 the first week in May, if all goes well.  We shall see!

Hope everyone else is having a successful time this round!


  1. Sometimes life happens and we have to do what we have to do. That happened to me in Round One when my mom had a heart attack and I had to take care of her. I hope we see you back in May. Good luck with everything.

  2. I've not kept up myself. I'll keep my eyes open for your return. I'll be checking in from my new writing blog that I will hopefully keep up. I hope the house situation goes well.


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