Tuesday, July 5, 2011

ROW80 Round 3: Goals and Camp NaNo (am I crazy?)

Okay, here goes...Round 3! And I've really taken the plunge, into the lake.  Yes, that's the lake at Camp NaNoWriMo.  I have a feeling I may look like this by the time it's over!

So, my goals....

  • I'm starting late on NaNo, so my daily word count will have to be around 1850 if I want to finish by the 31st.  Of course, I know there may be days that I will have to double up, but I'm aiming for at least 1800 words per day.  (Initially, I'm going to research in the mornings and write at night, but my research is not too extensive so will probably only last the first week or so).
  • daily journaling through The One-Minute Writer (I'm not giving this up now).
  • Devin O'Branagan's Flash Fiction contest for July...a 1000 words or less story--due by July 15.
The story I entered in Devin's contest last month did not win.  I came in third place, but I did say I would share the story here on the blog.  If you would like to read it, go HERE.  Thank you to everyone who took the time to vote and if you voted for my story, an extra special thanks to you. =O)

Good luck with whatever you endeavor to accomplish this month!


  1. Wow! Great goals! And you've hit the ground running. Good luck.

    Congrats on third place...that's good, too. I'm going over to check it out.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  2. Wow! Those are great goals! I am loving visiting everyone's blogs, getting more and more inspiration and ideas for other challenges like camp nanowrimo etc! Good luck! Oh, and I love the music player on your page-- I so need to find one of those!

    And congrats on your third place win!

  3. Good luck with your goals and Camp NaNo! If you do look like that at the end, will you promise to send us a picture?? That is what my head feels like ALL the time lol!

  4. Great goals! Good luck with those :D Oh and I'm going to go check out 1 minute writer - I'm curious now.

  5. Good luck with your goals! Sheesh, who knew there were so many writing challenges out there? And congrats on 3rd place!

  6. I'm camping in august! :) Good luck! And your story was wonderful, I'm so glad you shared it with us.


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