Saturday, August 27, 2011

Journaling...Six Word Saturday

On The One-Minute Writer today it's Six Word Saturday.  Here's what C. Beth says about it:  Six Word Saturdays is a weekly series over at Call Me Cate's funny blog, Show My Face. We do Six Word Saturdays monthly(ish) at The One-Minute Writer, but feel free to participate on your own every week--click the button below for more info! Have fun!

I love reading all day long!


  1. Sounds like a great plan for a Saturday.

    Hope you got to do it.

  2. i love reading and would love to do it all day long!!! :D

  3. I've set aside a lot of time for reading this week and I'm looking forward to it. Thanks for playing 6WS!

  4. Reading is good for the soul and the brain!


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