Saturday, November 26, 2011

ROW80 (late) Check-In 11/27/11--It is what it is....

I am not going to finish NaNoWriMo. There, I said it! And I am quite at peace with the realization. I thought that I just might try to bust my ass and finish, but I am just so ridiculously behind. On a positive note, I do have a great start to what I think might be a pretty good novel. So, I will continue to plug away during ROW80 (thank you, ROW80, for being here) and just finish at a slower pace. I think that will work better for me anyway. I tend to balk at strict deadlines and then kill myself trying to finish at the last minute. I just don't think it's possible at this point, but no regrets! Am I saying that I will never again jump into the madness that is NaNoWriMo? No. But I may just have to remember next time that I'm just not disciplined enough (at this point) to write almost 2000 words a day, every day. But I'm okay with that...and realizing that the holidays are a very busy time of year for me, my ROW80 goals are as follows:
  • write 500-1000 words per week on WIP
  • I'm doing a Christmas journaling project this month with some fellow bloggers/Christmas fanatics--daily Christmas journaling starting December 1st.
How are you doing on your journey?  What's your NaNoWriMo story?


  1. Nothing wrong with not finishing NaNo! You're talking to a certified three times in a row NaNo loser right now, so, yeah, I definitely know how that goes.

    And you know what? I'm okay with that, too, because, like you, each time I got a start on something new that was going to stick around for development later. And that's still a pretty great win.

    So best of luck with forging forward with the project that NaNo started!

  2. Well, if you are happy with the novel you are writing, then I think that is a win within itself. You have the right attitude. However, I would suggest that you push to get as much done during the deadline as possible. There is something about a deadline that really makes you push out that word count.

    Anyway, best of luck for the remaining NaNoWriMo season!


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