Only the third day in January yesterday and I already missed a post. =O( Not getting things off to a good start at all. So, I'm combining my Tuesday and Wednesday posts.
Tuesday: My favorite start of the year tradition, as I mentioned in my post on Monday, is going over to my grandparents' house on New Year's day for brunch. We have the black-eyed peas for good luck in the new year, along with hog jowl, turnip greens, and cornbread. Yes, very southern! My other favorite tradition is, oddly enough, coming up with my new year's resolutions. I used to really research things and make a really set plan, but as I've grown older and become busier in my life, it usually consists of a one day marathon planning session. However, it's tradition for me and I really don't see myself ever stopping.
Wednesday: I'm not really superstitious, so I'm not superstitious about beginnings. However, I do always try to start out on the right foot when I embark on anything. That usually involves planning and I tend to take it to the extreme. I tend to over plan at times or I put too much thought into every move. That's why when I began my novel in November, I stalled rather quickly because I just don't think I had enough planning under my belt. I have the beginning and I already know the outcome (or ending), but it's the details in between that have me thinking I need a bit more of a plan. However, I'm not talking a structured outline or anything like that. Just a little more research (it's historical fiction) and some notes here and there. After all, I'm the girl who, in college, wrote the paper first and did the outline last. LOL! Hey, it worked for me and I usually received As on all my papers.
Happy Wednesday!
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