Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Sit Down and Write 3 Kick Off {and ROW80 Check-In} #sitdownwrite

Sit Down and Write 3 officially starts today!! Are you ready?  If you didn't link up your goal post in the sign-up linky, leave your link in the comments, if you do a goal post, that is.  I'm not going to have a starting line linky this time.  There will be three check-ins and I will post the first one on Saturday and I will be periodically manning Twitter with the hashtag #sitdownwrite so stop by if you need a break.  If you haven't already, you can still sign up any time during the write-a-thon HERE.

My goals for Sit Down and Write 2 are as follows:

  • decide whether to go ahead with current WIP or start on other idea
  • get words on paper for whichever WIP I choose at the tune of 100 words daily (I'm aiming low so as not to overwhelm myself)
  • rereading (skimming) The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron and implementing morning pages/journaling
  • catch up on writing book reviews
  • compose post for reconfigure of the 101 Fantasy Reading Challenge I host.

Good luck on the goals you have set for yourselves!

Happy Writing!


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  1. Hmmm...did my comment go through?

  2. Oh dear...I bet you commented right before I switched. I was trying to do it before anyone commented. Sorry! Old comments are supposed to show up within 24 hours, but they still haven't on True Book Addict and I switched on Friday. Getting ready to pitch a fit!

  3. You must be speaking to me in my dreams... I was thinking something like a few weeks of "sittandwrite" would be good for my writer's soul. Now I have to look up your other posts and see how you are doing this. :-)

  4. I hope you will join us! If you have any questions, leave me another comment and I'll get back to you. =O)

  5. Finally getting my kick-off post with goals posted tonight!! I actually had mine written, was coming over here to share it, and then I realized I had to include journaling on my list as well! It is now fixed and I think I have all my goals in writing!! Here's my post if you are interested:

  6. Welcome! You're not the only one getting a late start. =O)

    I stopped by your post and commented.

  7. I love the cartoon! That's pretty much what we all need, right? Procrastinating is way too easy, I'm telling ya. Well, speaking of, I guess I should stop procrastinating and get to writing!

  8. Ha! Ha! No worries. The only thing about Disqus is the commenter can't subscribe to the comment. Meaning, there's no notice if a response is posted. Not sure why they didn't make that an option.

  9. Hey, I just realized if you scroll down past the "also on Stories Inside", etc. there's a subscribe by email option to subscribe to the comments.

  10. Procrastinating is my biggest problem! I'm still not doing too hot so far. Thanks for joining me!


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