Thursday, November 1, 2018

Sit Down and Write 10, #NaNoWriMo, and writing during the holidays #sitdownwrite

After much contemplation, I decided to dive into the fray that is NaNoWriMo once again. I made Sit Down and Write two months this time so...

  1. In the event I fail NaNoWriMo (which I usually do), I'll still have another month to work on my WIP.
  2. If I finish even part of my novel during NaNoWriMo, I will have a good start to continue working in December and beyond.
  3. Two months is a necessity during the holidays. They should really change it to two months and call it National Novel Writing "Months"... lol
So, why bother with Sit Down and Write? Well, I thought this would be a good place for those who are participating to interact and get support when they need it. I'm going to create a master post and pin it to the top of the blog. I will post updates there and I'll leave comments open so we can interact.

Remember, this isn't just a writing challenge for those writing a novel. If you're wanting to get some blogging done, or work on articles, or poetry...whatever you're working on in the writing department is fair game. 

Let me know if you're doing NaNoWriMo, and/or if you want to participate in Sit Down and Write, by leaving a comment below.

I hope you will join me!


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  1. Yes, two months is even better! December is a slow month for me. I have minimal family that I celebrate the holidays with, so plenty of time. I'll be lighting lots of candles (and yes, in the daytime) to support me as I next novel. Good luck to you and to all of us! Judith
    I do keep a book blog as well at

  2. Good luck, Michelle, with making good progress on your novel during these months!


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