Sunday, February 23, 2025

Sit Down and Write Month - March 2025 - Join us!

It's official! Sit Down and Write Month will now be held yearly in March and July. I'm moving away from November because it's a busy time of year for me (as I'm sure it is for many others). These SDaW months will be loosely modeled after Camp NaNoWriMo. If you ever participated in those events, they were held in April and July each year. The premise...write what you want, or edit...just work on whatever it is you're writing, whether you're in the planning stage, writing stage, or editing stage, and beyond. I created a little cheatsheet (credit to Camp NaNoWriMo) so you can work out word counts for editing, time, or page goals. I hope it helps (see below). Also, with SDaW, there is no mandatory word count.

A little bit about my decision to start up this new incarnation of Sit Down and Write (from my post in October 2024):
I defected from NaNoWriMo (left, deleted account, the whole shebang). If you're a writer, you probably have already heard what has been going on starting with last year, and then this year's debacle. If you haven't heard what has been going on, you can read my post on Facebook here (it's public so you should be able to read it whether you use Facebook or not).

All this being said, there is no judgment here. If you are still planning on participating in any NaNoWriMo event, you are welcome to join us for this challenge.

Also, as I had mentioned in November, Sarra Cannon is now doing what she calls the Rough Draft Challenge and she is planning on hosting it multiple times a year (also in place of NaNoWriMo). The next one will be in April. I will probably be participating in her event as well. You can read more about it in my October post here, and in the kick-off post for our November 2024 Sit Down and Write here. There's a link to the website they have created for the challenge in the November post, and I believe her husband is working on improving it. Just sharing this again in case you might want to join in. Sarra has a very inclusive and supportive community for writers.

We have a Discord for Sit Down and Write for chatting, sharing challenge prep, and word count check-ins. Here's the invite link for that: You will notice the text channels in the sidebar once you join.

If you would prefer to just interact here, that's fine too. In the menu at the top of the blog there's a link to Sit Down and Write Month...when clicked, it will take you to all the Sit Down and Write Month posts with all the information and resources in those posts. There's also a link to our Discord. Be sure to subscribe to this blog in the sidebar to get all new posts in your email inbox.

Here are a few sites where you can keep track of word counts:
Word Count Tool
Writer's Atelier (this is a post with a whole list of options)

I think that's everything! I'm so excited! If you would like to join us, just leave a comment below. No official sign-up required. And jump over and join our Discord. We would love to have you!

Here is the cheatsheet I mentioned above:

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