Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Today's One-Minute Manager prompt is:  Genre--Imagine you are going to write a book, but it must be in a genre that you rarely read. What genre would you choose?

I rarely read urban fantasy or westerns.  So which would I choose to write?  Urban fantasy would entail writing sordid sex scenes, which is one reason that I don't read that genre much.  And westerns are totally foreign to me.  I probably should go with the western (lucky this isn't really happening)!

1 comment:

  1. Or an entirely new western urban fantasy genre? :)

    I think you're the one that suggested we may not be getting a lot of "linky love" because these entries aren't eligible to win. I've thought about that. For now, while I'm behind on naming winners, I don't know if I want to change that. But I may change it when I catch up...and maybe even sooner. I'm considering it, and I really appreciate the input. Thanks!


I apologize for comment moderation, but I seem to get a ton of spam.

Thank you for your comments. They are much appreciated!