Today's One-Minute Writer prompt is: Job--What one thing would make you happier at your job? ("Job" includes being retired, or being a mom, or being a student, or looking for employment.)
Right now, I don't have a job outside of the home so my primary job is being a mom. My husband went back to working second shift so I don't have any help anymore in the evenings and believe me, with two boys like mine, I need help. Luckily, summer is almost here and my husband will be able to deal with them during the day so I can have some free time. That will make me happier about my job!
I'm usually MORE than ready for my husband to be home by the end of the day, and when he's out of town, I dread having all the childcare duties to myself! So I can imagine that must be really difficult. I'm glad he'll be home during the day soon!