Tuesday, July 3, 2012

ROW80: Round 3--Goals, sort of...

They've decided and the level is EPIC! Yes, check off another fail on my list.  This time it was JuNoWriMo.  I signed up for it (read this POST), unaware that I'd be starting a new job the first week in June.  Yup, new job equals major adjustments and unfortunately, the writing was not in the cards.  Not only did I fail at JuNoWriMo, but I also managed to totally tank Round 2 of ROW80.  Yup, I rock...not.

I'm going to be kind of vague with my goals right now because I'm still in training mode for the new job (I'm a virtual assistant...that's right...workin' from home, baby!) and my kids are still out of school and my husband works nights so I get no relief.  I will probably hopefully use July for more research and planning and I'm determined to work through Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way again (Morning Pages) and perhaps take a look at Vein of Gold.  Robin (My Two Blessings) is also going to be reading Veins this month.  I already have the start of my novel written so I can at least say that.  The bad thing is that I haven't touched it for months.  So I'm thinking...the kids go back to school August 1 and that will be my time to start getting some writing done.  Their earlier bedtime will allow me to write at night as well.  I'm contemplating Camp NaNoWriMo in August, but I'm not going to make that decision until close to when it starts.

How about you?  What are your ROW80 plans?


  1. The biggest thing about goals is to set them realistically, the second is to allow flexibility for your life. The morning pages sound like a good idea and possibly planning out a story or playing with a character in your mind in preparation for Camp Nano or November Nano, or just for when the kids go back to school. Just some ideas. All the best for the coming week and round :)

  2. Hey, thanks for the mention. I took so many notes when read Artist's way, just went back and read those instead of the book. :) Have fun with the morning pages, use them to outline the rest of your story and when August hits you'll be ready. I'm shooting for November Nano this year. Don't have the time or energy for more than one month of mad writing. Have a great week.

  3. Congrats on your new job!


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