Saturday, August 4, 2012

{Sit Down and Write} Write-a-Thon--Sign Up!

Well, our little discussion on Twitter during the High Summer Read-a-Thon has come to fruition! The write-a-thon is on! This write-a-thon is for any writing you need to get done.  If you're working on a novel and, perhaps, participating in Camp NaNoWriMo this month (like me), it's for you.  If you have a ton of reviews to write coming off of (or during) the many read-a-thons this month (Olympic Read-a-Thon, Review Copy Cleanup, Summer Wrap-Up Read-a-Thon, Bout of Books 5.0), this is perfect for you.  Any writing you need to get done...this is the week to really buckle down.  I'm going to use the week to get caught up on my Camp NaNo word count, if need be.  I'm not going to be hosting any mini-challenges, but I will have a special giveaway at the end.  Anyone who participates will be eligible.  And, of course, we must have a Twitter hashtag.  How about #sitdownwrite ...perfect! I may even host a couple of Twitter chats so we can gripe about our writer's block or anything else. =O)

Starting and end times are the usual:  Monday (8/20) 12:01am CST until Sunday (8/26) 11:59pm CST.

Be sure to grab the button (top of post) and spread the word! I hope you will join me!
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  1. I think that's an amazing idea. I am particcipating in two of those read-a-thons and I left all my writing on the side. it'd be good to finally catch up. :)

  2. Hi, Michelle. I am not a writer, but I have a ton of reviews that need to be written so this is a good opportunity to do it!

    Thanks for hosting!

  3. Woohoo! Looking forward to this one!

  4. I'd like to make progress on my novel "On Best Behavior"! Sounds fun. If anyone wants to do a writing challenge to see how many words we can write in an hour some time during this week, I'm game.

  5. I think it's cool that you are combining all types writing for this event!

  6. I'll bite. I can use some time creating entries for my revived blog.

  7. I would like to write a story or stories. Maybe this write a thon will help. Glad you're giving it.

  8. Hey Michelle, I am going to try and participate in this but it will be hard since that is the week I go back to work to prep for students who start back on the 27th but I will try and write after I get home from work. I am so glad you started this!

  9. I'll be too busy, so I'll probably skip :( maybe I'll join the last few days if I can, I'm really behind on my reviews.

  10. There is something I've been trying to get started and this is perfect. Thanks for hosting.

  11. I will be joining, but I am hesitant to do a opening post.

    1. Why are you hesistant about an opening post? Just set yourself some tentative goals. No one is going to get mad or call you out. Don't worry! It's still all in pressure. =O) I'm glad you're joining in with us!

  12. this is just what I need! Thank you!

    1. I'm glad! Thanks for joining in. The starting line post goes live at 12am CST so be sure to check it out. =O)

  13. I'm ready to go! Should have added all the writing I need to do for work to my list though. I have to write a web page for work today before I can even think about writing book reviews! Also, I messed up my name in the linky (it used something I had posted somewhere else yesterday) but I think the url is right.

  14. Thanks for this i will be continuing with my latest fan fic - i dont think it will be finished but im hoping so =)


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