Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Write-a-Thon Update (and ROW80 Mid-Week Check-In)

Things have not gone quite as planned...of course.  I've been working on this project for work for a week and a half and we're at crunch time now.  It's due Friday! So, my day time hours have been devoted to that.  Add in the four hours I spend in the car doing the pick up/drop off at school for my sons (they go to two separate schools now) and the evening homework, meals, etc. (my husband works 2nd shift so he's not home to help) and my time is literally squat.  And I'm exhausted so when I get the down time, I'm beat and falling asleep! Okay...buck up, Michelle.  Time for some serious readjustment to the rest of this week which will probably involve some burning of the midnight (all night) oil.  Hope I'm up to the challenge.  I will get words on paper this week, even if it's not as much as I had originally planned.

So, how is everyone else doing?  Leave me a comment and let me know what you've accomplished during the write-a-thon...or leave a link to your update post.

Happy writing!



  1. I know exactly how you feel. Plus I have a health issue (or two) that zaps my energy. Lately, I've had some good days, but today isn't one. Going through this mess caused me to search online for solutions and I stumbled across Michael Nobbs at Sustainably Creative. I'm sure I mentioned his site. A few months back, he offered a mini course on how to do a little amount of work often. From that experience, I found the best writing time is in the mornings. If I don't, no progress will be done. Also, days like today yield one (depending on what I'm working on) accomplishment. In other words, if I do one thing today, even if it's to name a character or find a photo, it was a successful day.

    Being happy with these one-thing-a-day accomplishments has been TOUGH! But I'm seeing progress now.


    My days of burning the midnight oil might be over, so burn some and think of me. I have no doubt you will meet your goals.

  2. Thing didn't go as planned for me as well. Work kept me busy and by the time I reached home, I was dead tired and dragging myself off to bed.

    Happy writing, Michelle! You'll soon be reaching your goals!

  3. Hi Michelle,
    I'm so busy also. It is hard to write when you have kids, a job, a husband and a house. So far, I have written 4 pages in my book and made an outline. I have also written 2 book reviews. So I have gotten some writing done but not as much as I wanted and like you I'm so exhausted. Stayed up late every night just to write but I can't keep it up. I'm falling behind.

  4. Hi MIchelle, sorry to hear your frustration! Life tends to be like that. I am also far behind where I'd like to be for the week, but trying to focus on the good things that have come my way which I never expected.

    I hope the path clears for you to get back to writing the way you wish to.

    Cheers, Cate (ROW80)


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