Sunday, August 19, 2012

ROW80 Check-In: It's on...write-a-thon!

Well, my write-a-thon starts in three hours! My goal is to try to catch up on Camp NaNoWriMo, which would be about 4500 words a day this week and the rest of the month.  Can I do it?  We shall see! Like I said, even if I can get halfway done, I'll be happy.

Won't you join me for the write-a-thon!?



  1. You can do it! Go, write, win! :D Have fun with it and keep us posted.

  2. Yes, you most definitely can do it if you have your heart set on it! Good luck, enjoy your creative journey and find a lovely soft cushion to do that sitting on. :-)

    Cheers, Cate (ROW80)


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