Once again, I have tanked miserably, but this time I have a legit excuse. My personal life is in utter turmoil which has made writing (much less reading) very difficult to do. I'm separating from my husband (and we probably will eventually divorce) and so my boys and I are moving in with my mom and we're doing this right away...like this week and next weekend....and I have 3000+ books. What a great thing to happen during the holidays....not. So, I will probably not be doing any writing until after the first of the year. Looks like I'm going to have plenty to write about. I'll have to join back in with ROW80 when it starts back up after the new year.
How did you all do with your writing? Did you get a lot of reviews done? How's your NaNoWriMo word counts (or just your progress on your WIP, if you're not doing NaNo)? Please post the link to your wrap-up post below or let me know in the comments. Thank you for joining me again. I'm going to host again, just not sure when. I'll be posting a poll in the sidebar soon to get opinions on what month we should do it.