Thursday, November 1, 2012

Once more into the fray....

....and I'm not ready.  But it is what it is.  I figure if I keep signing up, eventually I'll hold myself accountable enough to actually finish or, at least, come close.  I'm also late to the party on this round of ROW80.  So, I guess we know what my goal is for the ROW.  I'm aiming for a 60 - 80 thousand word novel.  Not sure what that works out to daily word count wise, but I'll calculate that later.

I'm also hosting Sit Down and Write 2 this month so maybe that will give me extra incentive.  It runs from November 12 - 25.  If you'd like to sign-up, you can find out the details and do just that HERE.

Are you doing NaNoWriMo?  You can find me over there HERE.



  1. My ROW goals this last week were not met, but I accepted that it was a week to prepare for NaNoWriMo. Now that I've done some other stuff ahead of time, I hope to be able to get in at least 2k/day.

    There's a glitch at the moment, I couldn't click your link, but on NaNo I'm USNessie!

  2. I'm doing this as well but doing only 1500 ish words a day. I normally try to read at least one book a day so this will cut a bit into my reading time but I've been wanting to write so yay!!!

    60,000 = 2k words a day
    80,000 = 2.6k words a day

    Good luck!!

  3. Nope, not doing NaNaNoWriMo this year. My goal is to finish all the reviews for the Vine by the end of this year and start fresh with writing in January 2013!


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