Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Sit Down and Write 2 Check-In {with ROW80}

How is everyone doing?  Share your progress in the linky below, or in the comments, if you haven't done a blog post.  If you're writing reviews, feel free to link them as well. =O)  I'd like to stop by and visit.

I have made a major decision regarding NaNoWriMo.  I'm giving it up! Now that doesn't mean that I'm not going to be working on my book.  It just means that I'm becoming way too overwhelmed and I have a ton of personal stuff going on right now (bankruptcy, no vehicle, sick kids) so I'm going to be a bit easier on myself.  I made a deal with myself.  I can quit NaNoWriMo if I promise to work on my book, in some way, shape or form, this month.  That may mean research, outlining, and most definitely means getting more words down on paper.  So my ROW80 goal is to get some kind of words down on paper every day, whether it's notes from research, a working outline (if I choose to use one), or straight novel content.  Believe me, I really hate that I seem to give up EVERY TIME on NaNo, BUT I have an incredible weight lifted from my shoulders.  I'm good with this decision.

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  1. I'm feeling the same way about nano I'm going to write guest posts ( yours ) work on my 12 days posts and still write every day on the project . Good luck!

  2. I hear you on NaNo. It occurred to me that they chose one of the worst months to attempt to write a novel. I'm still trekking on, mostly because I like the word count widget, but I am not fretting over whether or not I finish this year.
    Hope everything in your life settles down. Sorry to hear about the kids. :( Always awful when our babies aren't feeling well.

  3. I won NaNo two years in a row, but after Kait came up with ROW80, I don't even attempt it anymore. It's way too much stress, in my opinion. I remember how stressed I was both years I did it. There's no shame in giving up something that isn't working for you. Just stick to ROW80, which is a challenge for people with lives. :)

  4. Totally understand the weight being lifted. I talked about shedding excess from my to-do list a couple of weeks back and feel total relief. To be successful at NaNoWriMo, you need a couple or so things. One is to write fast! At one time, I could crank out the words, but I've never been seriously impressed with the results. If you can't write quickly--that's me today, then the stars need to align or something like that. There can be no personal drama or bill paying or kids in the That's the way it was for me, at least. ;) And the reason I had no desire to sign up. I'm going to do this thing at a slower rate. Anyway, to prove my point, I only accomplished one thing so far this week, two if you count my update post that I'll link up in a bit.


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