Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Sit Down and Write 7 - #NaNoWriMo Edition #sitdownwrite

Yes, I've decided to attempt NaNoWriMo again. So, in conjunction with that next month, I'm going to host a month long Sit Down and Write! That's right. It's Sit Down and Write 7: NaNoWriMo Edition!

Whether you are indeed jumping into the fray with me, or you just want to catch up on some blogging or book review writing, declare your intention in the comments section below and add your link to the linky. I'm going to have also have the Mister Linky in the sidebar so you can easily access and post links to any updates. I will also be posting updates here and I encourage you to stop by and chat in the comments, especially those of you doing NaNo. I'm going to need the moral support.

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  1. I have always been scared to do NaNoWriMo. I thought I might do it this year but so far have chickened out. I applaud your courage.
    Having said that though, I will support you all the way and commit to 30 days straight of blogging. I can do that! Good luck!

    1. Thanks, Naila. And you shouldn't be scared. Do you want to know how many times I've participated, only to fail? I'm still not giving up. Maybe this is my year!

  2. I did NaBloPoMo last November and it was a great exercise but I can't do that again. I will be working on my blog for Sit Down Write and finally got my post up. Going for quality over quantity this month! Thanks for hosting.


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