Sunday, November 1, 2015

Sit Down and Write 7: #NaNoWriMo Edition - Today We Start! #sitdownwrite

Today's the day! Have you started. I'm having a bit of a late start, but I'm accounting for this during the month. I'm determined!

Here's a motivational quote for our first week...

This post will serve as this week's update and discussion post so feel free to share your progress and/or struggles in the comments below. 

Whatever you're working on, you got this. We can do it!


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1 comment:

  1. So far, writing is slow going for me! Thankfully, it is only day 2!!

    I still have two papers to write for my class, a ton of blogging to catch up on, and a new novel idea to get cracking on. Because of all those projects, I have decided to keep track of all my writing for the month instead of just NaNo. I'm hoping it will help me keep my chin up through these first couple of weeks as I at least finish up this class.


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