Saturday, July 23, 2016

Sit Down and Write 8 - Finally, an update! #sitdownwrite

I had intended to post an update a lot sooner than this, and then I was hosting the High Summer Read-a-Thon this week, and time just flew by.

So, I've been sitting on my great news for over a week. I had a MAJOR breakthrough with my novel idea last week! I've been researching, which counts toward word count during Camp NaNo. I like that. I wish they would allow that during November's NaNoWriMo...but I digress. Anyway, I'm pretty excited about this new directions and I even have a (perhaps) "tentative" title. Drum roll please...Beautiful Pilgrim. There's a reason behind the title, but that is yet to be revealed.

I'm hoping to get some actual words on paper for the last week of SDaW and Camp NaNo. I'm working on a creating a writing schedule that I'm hoping will keep me more on track.

I hope things are going well for you. Let me know in the comments or leave a link to your update post.

Happy writing!


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  1. Great news! A new lovely blog and home for your writing venture! That sounds like an awesome title. Good luck with rest of Camp NaNo.

  2. Yay!! Congratulations to you!

    My progress has been very slow going, but I'm hoping this last week will see a turnaround. I finally feel like I'm getting back to a somewhat regular schedule and I really need to make sure I'm carving out the time each day to write.


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