Monday, August 27, 2012

Sit Down and Write Wrap-Up

Do you ever just feel like sitting and crying?  That is about how I feel right now.  I had such high hopes for this write-a-thon.  I really thought I was going to make some awesome progress on my novel.  Unfortunately, I was incredibly busy with work and then being a mom and spending about 4 hours a day in the car picking up and dropping off said kids.  By the time the day was done, I was exhausted.  Now, on top of all the disappointment of the past week, I have a bunch of personal crap going on that just may prove disastrous for my family.  Of course, I'm not giving up because I believe in staying positive.  I will not give up on my novel.  I'm just going to have to realize that writing it in a month is just not going to work for me.

So, how did you all do?  I will at least take great comfort knowing that you all were able to get your writing accomplished...whatever that writing was.  Share your wrap-up posts in the linky below.  You have until Tuesday, August 28 at 10:00am CST to wrap-up and be eligible for the giveaway.  I'd like to thank everyone who joined me this week and I apologize that I wasn't as present as I should have been.

I am considering hosting another write-a-thon in the coming months so let me know in the comments if you would be interested and what month would be good for you.  Thanks!

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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Write-a-Thon Update (and ROW80 Mid-Week Check-In)

Things have not gone quite as planned...of course.  I've been working on this project for work for a week and a half and we're at crunch time now.  It's due Friday! So, my day time hours have been devoted to that.  Add in the four hours I spend in the car doing the pick up/drop off at school for my sons (they go to two separate schools now) and the evening homework, meals, etc. (my husband works 2nd shift so he's not home to help) and my time is literally squat.  And I'm exhausted so when I get the down time, I'm beat and falling asleep! Okay...buck up, Michelle.  Time for some serious readjustment to the rest of this week which will probably involve some burning of the midnight (all night) oil.  Hope I'm up to the challenge.  I will get words on paper this week, even if it's not as much as I had originally planned.

So, how is everyone else doing?  Leave me a comment and let me know what you've accomplished during the write-a-thon...or leave a link to your update post.

Happy writing!


Monday, August 20, 2012

Sit Down and Write Write-a-Thon: Starting Line

It's on! Are you ready?  Have you been working on a novel, short story, etc. that you want to finish?  Are you swamped with books to review after all these read-a-thons this summer?  Well, this is the week for you! Sign in at the starting line below (please link to where you're, Facebook, a starting line post preferably).  Stop in on Twitter (or use Tweetchat, Tweetdeck, Bottlenose) and use the hashtag #sitdownwrite  Maybe we'll have some impromptu writing sprints.

My goals:
My goal is to try to catch up on Camp NaNoWriMo, which would be about 4500 words a day this week and the rest of the month.  Can I do it?  We shall see! Like I said, even if I can get halfway done with my novel this month, I'll be happy.

What are your goals?

***Write-a-Thon Participant Giveway***

I will be giving away winner's choice of one of these three writing books that I love.

I will be sending the book from Better World Books so it will be a gently used copy.  Don't worry...I have had a lot of experience with them and have never been disappointed with the used books I've received.  BWB ships free worldwide.  So guess what?  Giveaway is INTERNATIONAL! All you have to do to be eligible is sign in at the starting line, participate in the write-a-thon, and link up your wrap-up at the end.  Easy stuff, right?  I will give everyone until 10am CST Tuesday (8/28) to complete their wrap-up posts.

Link your starting line post here:
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Sunday, August 19, 2012

ROW80 Check-In: It's on...write-a-thon!

Well, my write-a-thon starts in three hours! My goal is to try to catch up on Camp NaNoWriMo, which would be about 4500 words a day this week and the rest of the month.  Can I do it?  We shall see! Like I said, even if I can get halfway done, I'll be happy.

Won't you join me for the write-a-thon!?


Thursday, August 16, 2012

ROW80 Midweek Check-In and Sit Down and Write Write-a-Thon first check-in for this round.  Why?  Because there has been no action on my part unless you want to call reading a book on writing as action.  I guess it is, in a sense.

I'm supposed to be doing Camp NaNoWriMo this month and you know what that means...about 2000 words (or so) a day.  I didn't go into it with much hope, but I do have a little trick up my sleeve that just might catch me up.

That's right! I'm hosting a week long write-a-thon next week! I'm hoping I can catch up my word count next week and possibly finish my book by the end of the month, but even if I don't, I'll be happy to just get a big chunk of it finished.

If you would like to find out more about the Sit Down and Write Write-a-Thon and/or sign-up, check out this POST.

So, what will my goal be next week?  I'm not sure yet.  I'm still working on finishing Book in a Month by Victoria Lynn Schmidt, Ph.D.  It's excellent, by the way! I should definitely have a goal ready for Sunday's check-in, which will also be my starting line post for the Write-a-Thon.


Saturday, August 4, 2012

{Sit Down and Write} Write-a-Thon--Sign Up!

Well, our little discussion on Twitter during the High Summer Read-a-Thon has come to fruition! The write-a-thon is on! This write-a-thon is for any writing you need to get done.  If you're working on a novel and, perhaps, participating in Camp NaNoWriMo this month (like me), it's for you.  If you have a ton of reviews to write coming off of (or during) the many read-a-thons this month (Olympic Read-a-Thon, Review Copy Cleanup, Summer Wrap-Up Read-a-Thon, Bout of Books 5.0), this is perfect for you.  Any writing you need to get done...this is the week to really buckle down.  I'm going to use the week to get caught up on my Camp NaNo word count, if need be.  I'm not going to be hosting any mini-challenges, but I will have a special giveaway at the end.  Anyone who participates will be eligible.  And, of course, we must have a Twitter hashtag.  How about #sitdownwrite ...perfect! I may even host a couple of Twitter chats so we can gripe about our writer's block or anything else. =O)

Starting and end times are the usual:  Monday (8/20) 12:01am CST until Sunday (8/26) 11:59pm CST.

Be sure to grab the button (top of post) and spread the word! I hope you will join me!
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