Monday, August 26, 2013

Sit Down and Write 4 starts now! #sitdownwrite

Well, to be honest, I'm not prepared for this at all, but I have a last minute plan...sort of. My good friend, J. Kaye, advised me to focus on 20 minutes of writing a day so I'm going to take her advice whether I'm writing actual novel pages, or just outlining, writing notes, or doing research. So, I will be doing some form of writing every day, but the first week I will probably also be focusing on deciding if I want to continue with current WIP, take it in another direction, or start fresh with another of my ideas. This will be in addition to the daily 20 minutes. I WILL MAKE SOME KIND OF PROGRESS. I want to have a WIP half finished by the end of the year. That's my long term goal.

What are your goals for this two weeks? Are you catching up on reviews or working on a WIP? Share the link to your goal post in the comments (or just leave me a comment with your goals). If you haven't signed up, you still can (and get all the details) HERE. Remember, our twitter hashtag is #sitdownwrite so feel free to check in with us on Twitter. I'll also be posting a few check ins so stop by and share your progress in the comments or leave your link.

And so...once more into the fray! Good luck!


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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Sit Down and Write 4--Sign Up Here!

It's here! Sit Down and Write 4 is just around the corner! The Sit Down and Write write-a-thons are for any writing you need to get done. If you're working on a novel, a novella, or even short stories. If you have a ton of reviews to write coming off of any read-a-thons you might have just finished with, then this is for you too! Any writing you need to get done...this is the time to really buckle down.  I'm not going to be hosting any mini-challenges, but I will have a few check-ins posted during the write-a-thon, if you are so inclined to share your progress. You can leave links to your reviews or your progress posts in the comments, or just share your progress there.  You can also stop in and chat on Twitter and share your progress with us there. Our Twitter hashtag is #sitdownwrite  

Official dates and times: Monday, August 26 at 12:01am CST through Sunday, September 8 at 11:59pm CST (adjust times according to your time zone).

You might notice that we have a new button, or if you prefer the old version, here it is!

I hope you will join me! Let's get some writing done!

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