Monday, November 16, 2015

Sit Down and Write 7: #NaNoWriMo Edition - Update #sitdownwrite

Do I have what it takes to be a writer? That's the question I've been asking myself all weekend. I put too much pressure on myself with events like NaNoWriMo and the like? Is it that November is not a good month for writing, or is it something else? I don't know, but I'm in a semi-dire situation at the moment in my mind. I can't get past the fear, doubt, worry (that it won't be good enough). I know I'm not the only one that goes through this kind of agonizing self doubt and stalling. Anyone else want to weigh in on this?

So, all this being said, I've decided to "lose" NaNoWriMo again. I am feeling very discouraged and regretful about it, but it's a decision I had to make. I know that next time I attempt to participate in a "writing month", I need to be prepared. That being said, I'm still moving forward with my dreams of being a writer and so will continue with Sit Down and Write this month. I intend to use the rest of this month to fully flesh out my idea. I'm beginning to think that I'm not a pantser. I really shouldn't be surprised that I'm a plotter. Planning is in my genes, whether I follow through or not. lol

Let me know how you're doing. I'll check the linky for any updates. I hope you're not going through what I've been. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.


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Sunday, November 1, 2015

Sit Down and Write 7: #NaNoWriMo Edition - Today We Start! #sitdownwrite

Today's the day! Have you started. I'm having a bit of a late start, but I'm accounting for this during the month. I'm determined!

Here's a motivational quote for our first week...

This post will serve as this week's update and discussion post so feel free to share your progress and/or struggles in the comments below. 

Whatever you're working on, you got this. We can do it!


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