Monday, March 30, 2015

Sit Down and Write 6 - a write-a-thon for whatever you need to write #sitdownwrite

It's time for Sit Down and Write again! I can't believe this is number 6. I am behind with posting this sign up. Nothing new there. Life is always throwing me curves.

Now, if you haven't joined us before, you might ask what you can do for Sit Down and Write. Well, you can catch up on book reviews (or other blog writings), you can work on your work in progress, you can journal, you can write short stories, you can prep your novel (research, take notes, etc.) or other writing project. I'm not fussy and I HATE rules. So, let's do this! Sign up below if you're in and write up a post if you want. I will be posting updates periodically so I can stop in and check on what you're doing. If you would like to update on twitter, our hashtag is #sitdownwrite.

On my end, I am going to be doing some novel prep (and hopefully some actual writing) and I'm also starting Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way this week so I'll be doing that too.

Good luck! Now sit down...and write!

P.S. Don't forget to grab the button. There's a handy grab code in the sidebar.

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