Tuesday, July 1, 2014

An Apology (Sit Down and Write 5) and #CampNaNoWriMo

Well, my two weeks of prep during Sit Down and Write 5 went down the tubes. I hope you all were able to get some writing in on whatever it was you were working on. You can leave me a link in the comments if you posted a wrap-up, or if you just want to let me know how you did. I apologize for dropping the ball.

Now onto the pink elephant in the room...Camp NaNoWriMo. Yup. I'm still going forward with it. I've set my word count for 30,000 words which is about 968 words per day, or counting 4.5 (approx.) weeks in July, that works out to 6,776 words per week (with a little under 3,000 for that half week). I am determined to put a really great effort forward this time. Not sure how I'm going to do it with work and kids and real life and all of my reading commitments, but I'm just going to do it. Just do it.

Are you doing Camp NaNo? Look me up over there...thetruebookaddict


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