Monday, November 3, 2014

NaNoWriMo - Day 3

I think in my case it should be called NaNoWriNO. Seriously, why do I think I can do this, only to fail year after year. Now this doesn't mean I'm giving up...but I am getting discouraged, which doesn't bode well considering tomorrow is only the fourth day. I'm just wondering why...just when we have something big planned like this...our bodies decide to be extra tired, our minds more clouded, more demands surround us from work and family? Is it the universe trying to tell us something?

Okay, I'm finished waxing thoughtful. I will try to soldier on.

How about you? How is your journey going so far?


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Sunday, November 2, 2014

NaNoWriMo - Day 2 comment on my progress because...well, no progress yet. I had no time to prep in October so that is what I'm trying to do now. I know, I know. That's not the way it's done. But when have I ever followed the rules? Probably why I don't have my novel written yet. Ack!

How about you? How are you struggling...or succeeding? Did you prep in October or are you still in the same boat as I am?


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Saturday, November 1, 2014

NaNoWriMo 2014 and a Support Group

Am I ready? No. Am I ever ready? That would also be a no. But I never give up and so I'm jumping on the NaNoWriMo bandwagon once again.

To hold myself accountable and to offer support to my friends who are also braving the NaNo waters this month, I will be posting here daily, whether I've written or not. These posts will be for daily accountability and the comments each day will be a forum for my friends (and other NaNo participants) to stop by and share their struggles, successes, pretty much anything. It's a NaNo support group OR The--rant, share, vent, brainstorm, shoot the breeze--Support Group!

I hope you will join me so we can support each other in this daunting endeavor. Yes, I said daunting. Anyone would be a fool not to call it so.

Happy writing!!!


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