Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Sit Down and Write 3--It's a wrap (+ ROW80)

I'm sorry that this wrap-up post is so late. As you know, the write-a-thon ended yesterday and I planned to post the wrap-up post this morning, but my day quickly turned to crap. I'm not sure if there are any other 44 years olds out there reading this, but I am currently smack dab in peri-menopause and if you're familiar, then you will know how it affects your brain. My memory was total crap today. I won't even list how many things I forgot. Urgh! did you all do? I know a couple of you have already wrapped up. I'm not even going to discuss my fail. Of course, I did have to get sick during the two weeks. Is this karma or what? However, I think Tif, Amateur Novelist and myself are on the same wavelength. I have decided to finish planning this month and then on June 1st, I'll be ready. My boys are out of school from May 24 through July 31 so that means no three hours in the car every day doing the school run. Woot! That's three extra hours...A DAY! I will put it to good use, I promise. =O)  As far as ROW80 goes, I'm going to take a brief break and jump back in around June 1st.

As for another Sit Down and Write, any suggestions? I'm thinking perhaps August, but you can weigh in below. Also, leave a link to your wrap-up, if you like.

Thanks for joining me!


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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Sit Down and Write Check-In #2/ROW80 Mid-Week Check-In #sitdownwrite

Oh yes, the fail is strong once again. It always seems that life wants to get in the way. Number one, I got my first client for my job (virtual assistant...yup, I work from home) which is a great thing, of course, because it means more hours and more money, but I'm even more busy than I was, if that's even possible. Secondly? Well, I went to the doctor yesterday because I suspected the cellulitis was back in my left leg and I was right. Thankfully, we caught it early enough and he put me on strong oral antibiotics. But with any major infection, you just feel run down so there's another hurdle for me. But I'm soldiering on and hoping to salvage the last week of Sit Down and Write.

So, reconfiguring my goals. I'm not going to set a daily word count because I'm not even sure if I'm going to continue with my current WIP. My goal then is to make that decision and go forward with what I decide. I did manage to write one book review, but I still have a few more to write. I have not revamped the 101 Fantasy Challenge. Still hoping to do that. And I have not started morning pages yet. I really hope to start that tomorrow. We'll see.

Yes, I am quite ambiguous with my's how I roll. =O/

I'm not going to put a linky this time. If you want to link up your progress or book reviews, you can leave the link in the comments.

Happy Writing!


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Saturday, May 4, 2013

Sit Down and Write 3--Check In #1

How's it going, people? Me...well, I'm off to a slow start. Some of you may not know that I work from home as a Virtual Assistant. Well, this past week, I got my first very own client. Woot! So, it's great on the money end, but my time is squeezed even more. I'm determined though to get some writing in.

Post your progress or links to book reviews in the linky. Keep on truckin' toward your goals (aimed particularly at myself. LOL)!

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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Sit Down and Write 3 Kick Off {and ROW80 Check-In} #sitdownwrite

Sit Down and Write 3 officially starts today!! Are you ready?  If you didn't link up your goal post in the sign-up linky, leave your link in the comments, if you do a goal post, that is.  I'm not going to have a starting line linky this time.  There will be three check-ins and I will post the first one on Saturday and I will be periodically manning Twitter with the hashtag #sitdownwrite so stop by if you need a break.  If you haven't already, you can still sign up any time during the write-a-thon HERE.

My goals for Sit Down and Write 2 are as follows:

  • decide whether to go ahead with current WIP or start on other idea
  • get words on paper for whichever WIP I choose at the tune of 100 words daily (I'm aiming low so as not to overwhelm myself)
  • rereading (skimming) The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron and implementing morning pages/journaling
  • catch up on writing book reviews
  • compose post for reconfigure of the 101 Fantasy Reading Challenge I host.

Good luck on the goals you have set for yourselves!

Happy Writing!


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