Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Today's One-Minute Writer prompt is: Temper--When you "lose your temper" where is the best place to find it?
When I really lose my temper, it's usually because something has really been building. Then I often find myself crying tears of frustration, which ultimately end up working as a calming effect and the anger abates.
Two days left to vote...please help a girl out!
Many of you know that I entered a flash fiction story contest a couple of weeks ago over at Devin O'Branagan's writing forum. Well, it's coming to a close and I'm making a last ditch effort to get people over there to vote. Because of the rules, I can't reveal to you which story is mine. However, I can hope against hope that mine will be your favorite. So, if you haven't already, please head over (HERE) and vote for your fave. Last day to vote is Thursday, June 30. I really appreciate it and to show you how much, I baked you these virtual cupcakes! Thank you. ;O)
This was also posted over at my book blog, The True Book Addict.
This was also posted over at my book blog, The True Book Addict.
Today's One-Minute Writer prompt is: Move--Write about a recent move you've made.
I'm not sure if you want to get me started on my recent move. Ugh! Several months ago, we lost our house. So we had to move from a three bedroom house with two common rooms to a two bedroom apartment with one common room. On top of having tons of stuff in closets, the attic, etc.--our main problem was my books. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I own 3000+ books and they all. had. to. be. moved. My husband didn't complain...much. ;O)
Monday, June 27, 2011
Today's One-Minute Writer prompt is: Fall--Write about a time you fell.
I had a bad fall about four years ago. We were moving my Grandmother to Nashville to live with Mom. Mom and I were carrying the mattress down the steps to load into the Uhaul. Well, I missed the bottom step. I went careening back and tried to keep myself from hitting my head on the trailer hitch. I succeeded, but I hit my, um...derriere...full on against the bumper. It was very painful and the right side of my tush was so severely bruised, it was black. It took over a month to heal. I consider myself lucky though. If I would have hit my head on that trailer hitch, I could have ended up dead.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Journaling...Six Word Saturday
On The One-Minute Writer today it's Six Word Saturday. Here's what C. Beth says about it: Six Word Saturdays is a weekly series over at Call Me Cate's funny blog, Show My Face. We do Six Word Saturdays monthly(ish) at The One-Minute Writer, but feel free to participate on your own every week--click the button below for more info! Have fun!
My destiny awaits. Every moment counts!
Friday, June 24, 2011
Journaling...Friday Fiction: Watch
Today is Friday Fiction at The One-Minute Writer. The prompt is Write a brief bit of fiction using the prompt "Watch." From C. Beth...Friday Fiction is your opportunity to write a short (short, short, short) story. Many participants use more than one minute for Friday Fiction prompts, and I open up the One-Minute Writing of the Day contest to entries of various lengths.
Richard had worked on the night watch in the Tower for years. He patrolled the required areas silently. He didn't like working in the Tower. Too many souls had passed through its doors to the scaffold. It was a dismal place. As he was passing the quarters which housed the prisoners of high status, he heard a woman's voice. He looked through the small window in the door and saw a slight, pretty woman on her knees, praying fervently. She had a courageous air about her and there was a strange heavenly light surrounding her head. He was astounded by the apparent strength emanating from her...she who was destined for the executioner's sword on the morrow. He hung his head, his spirit much afflicted, and continued down the corridor.
Richard had worked on the night watch in the Tower for years. He patrolled the required areas silently. He didn't like working in the Tower. Too many souls had passed through its doors to the scaffold. It was a dismal place. As he was passing the quarters which housed the prisoners of high status, he heard a woman's voice. He looked through the small window in the door and saw a slight, pretty woman on her knees, praying fervently. She had a courageous air about her and there was a strange heavenly light surrounding her head. He was astounded by the apparent strength emanating from her...she who was destined for the executioner's sword on the morrow. He hung his head, his spirit much afflicted, and continued down the corridor.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Journaling...Want ads
Today's One-Minute Writer prompt is: Want ads--Write a blurb that you could post in the want ads.
Fiction writer looking for a 5 figure advance for her first novel. Elegantly crafted prose, no editing required. Contact: truebookaddictATgmailDOTcom
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
ROW80 Round 2 Wrap-Up and Journaling...Glass
This is what you are to do...
Whatever is worth doing, is worth doing.
How can you succeed or fail at that?
~Robert Rabbin
Well, another round under our belts! I have mixed feelings about this round because on the one hand, I really rocked at accomplishing a goal I set for myself, but on the other hand, I didn't devote enough time to another goal. Part of the reason for that was I had to take a break from the challenge for a month around mid April because of moving. I re-entered the challenge on May 18 and not too long after that, I began sticking to my daily goal of journaling. Many of you know that I started doing The One-Minute Writer and the daily prompts over there have kept me dedicated to daily journaling for over a month now. As far as my other two daily goals, researching WIP and reading books on the craft, I was more dedicated to the reading, but not much. ;O) The researching hit a snag because I had to scrap a WIP and then came up with a new idea. So I'm basically just getting started on the new idea. I'm hoping that when the next round starts, I will be ready to get words on paper. And I'm also still toying with the idea of doing Camp NaNoWriMo, which may be in July or August or both months. Decisions, Decisions!
A few weeks ago, I did add one additional goal and that was to write a flash fiction story and enter it in a contest on Devin O'Branagan's writing forum Well, I wrote the story and it is currently in the voting process. If you would like to vote for your favorite story, go HERE. Unfortunately, due to the rules, I cannot tell you which story is mine, but perhaps you will like mine the best. I will be posting my story here, win or lose, after the winner is announced on July 1st.
Today's One-Minute Writer prompt is: Glass--In your mind is the glass half-full, half-empty, or something else?
For some reason, no matter what is going on in my life, I always manage to see the glass as half-full. I guess that's why I have been able to overcome a lot of hard times in my life. I always seem to see the sun despite the clouds in my sky.
Today's One-Minute Writer prompt is: List--Make a list (of whatever you want.)
Things to accomplish:
- Write novel
- get BA and then MA in history
- a clean, organized home
- lose weight...17 lbs down, ? to go ;O)
- raise my boys to be good and responsible young men
- travel (Europe, Australia, Egypt...anywhere, everywhere!)
Monday, June 20, 2011
Today's One-Minute Writer prompt is: Favor--To whom do you owe a favor?
Favors to those who have helped me to become who I am and who I am yet to become. To my parents, for their encouragement and for their love of reading. To my sister, for her constant, unconditional love. To my high school English teacher, who inspired me even more with a love for the written word and writing. To the authors, writers, and my fellow bloggers, who are a daily inspiration.
ROW80 Quick Update and Journaling...Club
Haven't had much of a chance to focus on all of my goals, except for journaling. I've had to intensify my search for a job and that took up most of my time this week. I did receive one of my books for research the other day, but I still need to do a more intensified search online, etc. Also, as I mentioned previously, I entered a story in a flash fiction contest at Devin O'Branagan's forum. I would really appreciate it if you would go over, check out the four entries, and vote for your favorite. Because of the rules, I can't tell you which one is mine, but maybe you will like mine best anyway. If you would like to read the stories and vote, go HERE. Thanks!
1 to 1.5 hours daily:
--researching WIP
--reading books on the craft, even if only one page
--continue to journal daily
Today's One-Minute Writer prompt is: Club--If you were to start a club, what would be its purpose, and what would you call it?
I have wanted to start a book club for years. I have a couple of book clubs on Goodreads, but I really want to have a book club that would meet in person to discuss books. I am determined to some day accomplish this and when I do, I will probably call it "True Book Addicts Unite," a spin off from the name of my book blog.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Today's One-Minute Writer prompt is: End--When does...or doesn't...the end justify the means?
I strongly believe that the end does not justify the means. To me, it's too much like revenge and I do not believe in revenge in its simplest incarnation. I believe that a person will get what's coming to them if they do wrong, but that it will be meted out by a higher power than us.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Today's One-Minute Writer prompt is: Food--Is there a particular food that makes you feel loved? If so, write about it.
What I remember most about food and being loved is holiday dinners. It was just mom, dad, my sister, and me, but we always had the most wonderful holiday meals. The usual fare, but being together and sharing a meal made us feel loved.
Side note: Thanks for making me talk about food! HaHa! I've been on this diet program for a month now and have cut out all sweets and most carbs. It's not Atkins, but it has been hard at times. Well, I went back to the doctor today and I've lost 17 pounds!!!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
ROW80, Flash Fiction contest and Journaling...Children's book
One of the goals I had on my list was to write my story for the Flash Fiction contest at Devin O'Branagan's forum. Well, I can cross that off my list because I wrote the story and entered it on Monday. Woot! First writing contest I've ever entered. I would like to encourage you to go over and vote for your favorite. I can't tell you which story is mine. Rules of the contest are that the stories are anonymous to prevent voter flooding. Hopefully, mine will be your favorite! Voting is open until June 30 at 9pm MST. Please go HERE to vote and while you're there, take a look around at the forum. There is everything to do with writing over there. Remember, Devin hosts the flash fiction contest every month so you might want to think about entering next month.
After the winners are announced, whether I win or lose, I will post my story here.
I'm still sticking with the daily journaling. As far as my other goals, I'm still waiting for one of the books I need for research to come in the mail. I found many of the books I need in the public forum and I'm going to look at primary source documents as well. I'm considering doing Camp NaNoWriMo in either July or August. I haven't completely decided yet. It's going to depend on a lot of factors. There's supposed to be a completely different website launching soon. I'm hoping soon so I can make my decision.
Today's One-Minute Writer prompt is: Children's Book--Write about a children's book that you still enjoy reading as an adult.
After the winners are announced, whether I win or lose, I will post my story here.
I'm still sticking with the daily journaling. As far as my other goals, I'm still waiting for one of the books I need for research to come in the mail. I found many of the books I need in the public forum and I'm going to look at primary source documents as well. I'm considering doing Camp NaNoWriMo in either July or August. I haven't completely decided yet. It's going to depend on a lot of factors. There's supposed to be a completely different website launching soon. I'm hoping soon so I can make my decision.
1 to 1.5 hours daily:
--researching WIP
--reading books on the craft, even if only one page
--continue to journal daily
Today's One-Minute Writer prompt is: Children's Book--Write about a children's book that you still enjoy reading as an adult.
The Little House by Virginia Lee Burton. This was one of my favorites when I was a girl and my mom kept it for the grandkids. It has now become a favorite of my boys and I plan to pass it on to my grandchildren. The story never gets old. I still love to read it, even at my age.
Today's One-Minute Writer prompt is: Right--How do you know when someone is right for you?
I thought he was right for me. We were best friends...soul mates. Somewhere along the way we lost it. How does that happen? How does something so right go so wrong? Will we ever get back to the way we were?
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Today's One-Minute Writer prompt is: Expect--What do you expect today?
What do I expect today? Not much, I guess, since the day is almost over! I guess I should really start doing my journaling in the mornings or, at least, earlier in the day. Anyway, I didn't really expect things to be much different today than any other day has been lately. Long story....
Monday, June 13, 2011
ROW80 Check-In and Journaling...Healthy
Well, we're getting close to the end of the second round of ROW80 and have I accomplished anything? I would have to say yes. I had to take a break for a few weeks in this round, but when I jumped back in, I started journaling every day and have done so now for almost three weeks. That's a major accomplishment for someone who was so bad about it before. Again, I owe a debt of gratitude to C. Beth and her wonderful site, The One-Minute Writer, for keeping me motivated and accountable. Now I didn't do much in the form of research because I found I was having to scrap my original story idea. I just recently came up with another one and will proceed with my research. I have one book that I had to order and I may have to make a trip to the library. A couple of weeks ago, I added a goal to write a flash fiction piece for a contest I agreed to enter upon losing a reading duel with a blogging friend of mine. It is due tomorrow and I have been working on it all day...and I'm still working on it. I will get it finished!
So, here are the goals I will continue to work on this round (minus the short story since I'm finishing it tonight):
So, here are the goals I will continue to work on this round (minus the short story since I'm finishing it tonight):
1 to 1.5 hours daily:
--researching WIP
--reading books on the craft, even if only one page
--continue to journal daily
Today's One-Minute Writer prompt is: Healthy--What is your definition of "healthy"?
Being healthy is in mind and body. I think people that read a lot (of course I do!) keep their minds healthy. As far as physical health, I don't think you have to be really thin to be healthy. Just physically fit and at a healthy weight for yourself. This is something I'm working on right now.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Today's One-Minute Writer prompt is: Tacky--Write about something you think is tacky.
Rude people. Mean people. People who are cruel to others because of their physical appearance. People who do not hold the door for others or do not let a person with just a couple of items go ahead of them in the check out line. Bullies and impolite people are tacky!
Friday, June 10, 2011
Journaling...Friday Fiction: Theatre
Today is Friday Fiction at The One-Minute Writer. The prompt is Theatre--Write a brief bit of fiction using the prompt "theatre." From C. Beth...Friday Fiction is your opportunity to write a short (short, short, short) story. Many participants use more than one minute for Friday Fiction prompts, and I open up the One-Minute Writing of the Day contest to entries of various lengths.
Anastasia wanted to act in the theatre, but women were not allowed to act on stage. It was decreed by law. When she came across the Theatre de Sinistera, she thought this could be her chance. The director seemed open to having a female performer. Only when she began rehearsals and saw the pale, otherworldly faces of her fellow actors, did she begin to wonder if she had made a terrible mistake.
Anastasia wanted to act in the theatre, but women were not allowed to act on stage. It was decreed by law. When she came across the Theatre de Sinistera, she thought this could be her chance. The director seemed open to having a female performer. Only when she began rehearsals and saw the pale, otherworldly faces of her fellow actors, did she begin to wonder if she had made a terrible mistake.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Today's One-Minute Writer prompt is: Unannounced--If someone knocked on your door unannounced right now, who would you want it to be? Who would you not want it to be?
I want Publisher's Clearing House to knock on my door with that big ole check and a bunch of balloons. I don't want any unannounced visitors (family, friends)--my apartment is a wreck!
ROW80 Check-In, Journaling (Popular) and I won the One-Minute Writing of the Week!
Quick ROW80 update: I'm still journaling daily! Brainstorming my new book idea and reading Persia Wooley's book on how to write historical fiction (see currently reading in sidebar).
I just found out that I won The One-Minute Writing of the Week for the week of 5/22-5/28! Here is my Friday Fiction piece that won. The prompt was "Early"...
The early morning was the best time for us to set off to market. The marketplace was deserted this early. There was no dust flying and the stench of filth and unwashed bodies together in close proximity had not taken over the fresh air of dawn's early light.
Today's One-Minute Writer prompt is: Popular--Were you popular as a kid? Are you now?
Growing up, I had varying degrees of popularity. There were periods in my life where I was teased mercilessly. Only when I finally achieved enough self-confidence (during high school) to ignore and overcome the mistreatment, did I finally become popular. I seem to be popular now, but popularity is really what you make of it.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Today's One-Minute Writer prompt is: Competition--Write about a competition you've enjoyed being involved in.
Throughout high school, I was a cheerleader. Every summer, we went to cheerleader camp which held competitions. In our JV and Varsity years, we won first place in the competition. Those were some of the funnest times in my life!
Today's One-Minute Writer prompt is: Believe--Write about a situation that made you think, "I can't believe I just did that."
In my early twenties, I was into the heavy metal scene. We were at a concert--can't even remember the band--and I had to pee. Of course, the ladies room had a line a mile long. My guy friend, who always wore a long black leather coat, ducked me into the mens room and used his coat to block the stall. You should have seen the looks! Yeah, I couldn't believe I just did that!
Monday, June 6, 2011
ROW80 Check-In 6-5-11 and Journaling...Morning
I have still been very dedicated to the journaling every day. Again, credit to The One-Minute Writer for keeping me accountable! You can see today's journal entry below this update. If you would like to see a couple of my fiction One-Minute Writer posts, go HERE and/or HERE
I have a new idea that I'm really going to run with. I'm gathering research materials and I hope to start research this week. I'm also reading Persia Woolley's How to Write and Sell Historical Fiction. I actually read this a few years ago, but I wanted to refresh my memory. I really need to buy it, instead of always checking it out at the library.
Today's One-Minute Writer prompt is: Morning--What's the first thing you do after you get out of bed in the morning?
I have a new idea that I'm really going to run with. I'm gathering research materials and I hope to start research this week. I'm also reading Persia Woolley's How to Write and Sell Historical Fiction. I actually read this a few years ago, but I wanted to refresh my memory. I really need to buy it, instead of always checking it out at the library.
1 to 1.5 hours daily:
--work on flash fiction story for contest
--researching WIP
--reading books on the craft, even if only one page
--journal daily
Today's One-Minute Writer prompt is: Morning--What's the first thing you do after you get out of bed in the morning?
The obvious, of course. The restroom! Then, if it was still the school year, I would get my boys up. Now that it's summer, I generally turn on the computer and check email and Facebook. Grab breakfast. Exciting!
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