Wednesday, June 22, 2011

ROW80 Round 2 Wrap-Up and Journaling...Glass

This is what you are to do...
Whatever is worth doing, is worth doing.
How can you succeed or fail at that?
~Robert Rabbin

Well, another round under our belts! I have mixed feelings about this round because on the one hand, I really rocked at accomplishing a goal I set for myself, but on the other hand, I didn't devote enough time to another goal.  Part of the reason for that was I had to take a break from the challenge for a month around mid April because of moving.  I re-entered the challenge on May 18 and not too long after that, I began sticking to my daily goal of journaling.  Many of you know that I started doing The One-Minute Writer and the daily prompts over there have kept me dedicated to daily journaling for over a month now.  As far as my other two daily goals, researching WIP and reading books on the craft, I was more dedicated to the reading, but not much. ;O)  The researching hit a snag because I had to scrap a WIP and then came up with a new idea.  So I'm basically just getting started on the new idea.  I'm hoping that when the next round starts, I will be ready to get words on paper.  And I'm also still toying with the idea of doing Camp NaNoWriMo, which may be in July or August or both months.  Decisions, Decisions!

A few weeks ago, I did add one additional goal and that was to write a flash fiction story and enter it in a contest on Devin O'Branagan's writing forum  Well, I wrote the story and it is currently in the voting process. If you would like to vote for your favorite story, go HERE.  Unfortunately, due to the rules, I cannot tell you which story is mine, but perhaps you will like mine the best.  I will be posting my story here, win or lose, after the winner is announced on July 1st.

Today's One-Minute Writer prompt is:  Glass--In your mind is the glass half-full, half-empty, or something else?

For some reason, no matter what is going on in my life, I always manage to see the glass as half-full.  I guess that's why I have been able to overcome a lot of hard times in my life.  I always seem to see the sun despite the clouds in my sky.


  1. In my younger years I always found myself thinking the glass was half empty, what with raising 4 children, maintaining a marriage, being a fulltime housewife plus working fulltime at a very physically demanding job. Having come from a childhood where daily life was always negative it was hard to be positive. So after being diagnosed with anxiety attacks, I decided to change that and try to look at the glass as half full...I try to see more things in a positive light now and am happier for it... I admire you for your goals that you have set for yourself...

  2. I'm def. half full glass person - silver linings abound and I like laughing too much not to be.

    Well done on your goal - don't beat yourself up on the other moving house comes in the top 3 of most stressful events - what do you want to kill yourself!!!!!!!!!

    what is camp NaNo when it's at home?

    see you in round 3 all fired up and ready to go

  3. Congrats on making your journaling goals this round and for finishing your story. Good luck with the contest and the next ROW80 round. :)

  4. It sounds like you've done some good things this round. Good luck with everything you're trying to get accomplished. See you in the next round!

    Btw, I'm definitely a half full glass person. :)

  5. Thanks Kathleen! I appreciate you visiting my little labor of love here. =O)

    Alberta--haha! For a while there, it felt like I nearly did kill myself. Moving is not fun, especially when you have 3000+ books! Camp NaNo is called that because they're thinking of having more month long events in the summer now. See you in Round 3. Thanks for visiting!

    Ghenet--Thanks! I appreciate your visit.

    Laura Lynn--Thanks so much. Baby steps, you know. See you next round and thanks for visiting!

  6. Congrats on surviving Round 2. See you July 4 for Round 3!

  7. I'm a glass half-full person, too, Michelle. I can recall feeling optimistic about things that others said would never happen...and finding that the optimism paid off.

    Hang in there, and I'll see you in the next round.

  8. Craig--thank you! I appreciate the visit. See you Round 2!

    Laurel-Rain--Yeah, I always try to be optimistic. It can be hard at times, but I always keep it in the back of my mind. Enjoy the short break. See you next round!

  9. I have always been a half glass full person. I'm the one looking for the pony in the room full of poop. (hopefully you've heard that joke - if not, probably needs some explaining.)

    You did well with your goals considering you were in the middle of the move. I contemplating doing camp nano, but hubby thinks I should wait until November. Plus he wants me to finish the current WIP.


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