Thursday, June 2, 2011

ROW80 Check-In 6-1-11 and Journaling...Question

Still doing very well on the journaling and have read some books on writing.  I've also had a couple of inspiring ideas for my book so...I think this journaling is really working! Also, my book blogging friend, Sally Wolf, also a writer, challenged me to a duel reading books and I lost.  If I lost, I had to agree to enter a flash fiction contest over at the forums at  The deadline is June 13th so I will be working on that as well.  I will not be able to post my story here because it's an anonymous contest.  After the voting, I may be able to.  If I can, I definitely will.


1 to 1.5 hours daily:
--work on flash fiction story for contest
--researching WIP
--reading books on the craft, even if only one page
--journal daily

Today's One-Minute Writer prompt is:  Question--What question would you not want to answer right now?

How about the question, "do you really think you have a chance to be published?"  I would not want to answer because 1) it's kind of a negative question and 2) I prefer to be optimistic about the chances of being published.  Sure, we tell ourselves that we write to write, whether we're published or not, but deep inside, being published is what we yearn for.

1 comment:

  1. Journaling is a good practice...I used to do it more. Now I sort of have an online journal in my blog Snow Chronicles. But let's face it...when it's "public," we don't always put down everything....

    Hang in there!


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