Wednesday, June 15, 2011

ROW80, Flash Fiction contest and Journaling...Children's book

One of the goals I had on my list was to write my story for the Flash Fiction contest at Devin O'Branagan's forum.  Well, I can cross that off my list because I wrote the story and entered it on Monday.  Woot! First writing contest I've ever entered.  I would like to encourage you to go over and vote for your favorite.  I can't tell you which story is mine.  Rules of the contest are that the stories are anonymous to prevent voter flooding.  Hopefully, mine will be your favorite! Voting is open until June 30 at 9pm MST.  Please go HERE to vote and while you're there, take a look around at the forum.  There is everything to do with writing over there.  Remember, Devin hosts the flash fiction contest every month so you might want to think about entering next month.

After the winners are announced, whether I win or lose, I will post my story here.

I'm still sticking with the daily journaling.  As far as my other goals, I'm still waiting for one of the books I need for research to come in the mail.  I found many of the books I need in the public forum and I'm going to look at primary source documents as well.  I'm considering doing Camp NaNoWriMo in either July or August.  I haven't completely decided yet.  It's going to depend on a lot of factors.  There's supposed to be a completely different website launching soon.  I'm hoping soon so I can make my decision.

1 to 1.5 hours daily:
--researching WIP
--reading books on the craft, even if only one page
--continue to journal daily

The Little House by Virginia Lee Burton.  This was one of my favorites when I was a girl and my mom kept it for the grandkids.  It has now become a favorite of my boys and I plan to pass it on to my grandchildren.  The story never gets old.  I still love to read it, even at my age.


  1. Congrats on the accomplishments! Isn't it great to finish something and enter it in a contest?

    I'll have to check it out...and regardless, I'll enjoy seeing your fiction here.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  2. Congrats on the contest. That's so cool!

    Now I'm going to have to go over there and see if I can guess which one is yours. LOL. Then I'll have to wait until after June to see if I'm right. :0)


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