Sunday, June 26, 2011

Journaling...Six Word Saturday

On The One-Minute Writer today it's Six Word Saturday.  Here's what C. Beth says about it:  Six Word Saturdays is a weekly series over at Call Me Cate's funny blog, Show My Face. We do Six Word Saturdays monthly(ish) at The One-Minute Writer, but feel free to participate on your own every week--click the button below for more info! Have fun!

My destiny awaits.  Every moment counts!


  1. Your six words can apply to all of us! Life is short and we should make every second count. (of course I am 60, and I feel like life is just flying by now days...but when I was young it seemed to drag by. The young feel like they have forever and like there is no need to rush anything. (:>)


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