Monday, June 20, 2011

ROW80 Quick Update and Journaling...Club

Haven't had much of a chance to focus on all of my goals, except for journaling.  I've had to intensify my search for a job and that took up most of my time this week.  I did receive one of my books for research the other day, but I still need to do a more intensified search online, etc.  Also, as I mentioned previously, I entered a story in a flash fiction contest at Devin O'Branagan's forum.  I would really appreciate it if you would go over, check out the four entries, and vote for your favorite.  Because of the rules, I can't tell you which one is mine, but maybe you will like mine best anyway.  If you would like to read the stories and vote, go HERE.  Thanks!

1 to 1.5 hours daily:
--researching WIP
--reading books on the craft, even if only one page
--continue to journal daily

I have wanted to start a book club for years.  I have a couple of book clubs on Goodreads, but I really want to have a book club that would meet in person to discuss books.  I am determined to some day accomplish this and when I do, I will probably call it "True Book Addicts Unite," a spin off from the name of my book blog.

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