Monday, June 6, 2011

ROW80 Check-In 6-5-11 and Journaling...Morning

I have still been very dedicated to the journaling every day.  Again, credit to The One-Minute Writer for keeping me accountable! You can see today's journal entry below this update.  If you would like to see a couple of my fiction One-Minute Writer posts, go HERE and/or HERE

I have a new idea that I'm really going to run with.  I'm gathering research materials and I hope to start research this week.  I'm also reading Persia Woolley's How to Write and Sell Historical Fiction.  I actually read this a few years ago, but I wanted to refresh my memory.  I really need to buy it, instead of always checking it out at the library.

1 to 1.5 hours daily:
--work on flash fiction story for contest
--researching WIP
--reading books on the craft, even if only one page
--journal daily

Today's One-Minute Writer prompt is:  Morning--What's the first thing you do after you get out of bed in the morning?

The obvious, of course.  The restroom! Then, if it was still the school year, I would get my boys up.  Now that it's summer, I generally turn on the computer and check email and Facebook.  Grab breakfast.  Exciting!


  1. the one minute writer looks interesting - when I clear Jack's Tale I may give it ago
    all best for this week

  2. I love the idea of the one minute writer. Good luck with your historical novel. I love reading that genre.

  3. Ah yes, I have to check my email, Twitter, etc. as one of my first activities too. :)

    Thanks for your kind words AND your consistency!

    -C. Beth (The One-Minute Writer)


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